Friday, November 3, 2017


It's been awhile since I last updated my blog and I thought I would share what has happened since the last time I wrote.

I officially signed up to run on behalf of JDRF (Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation). Running for an organization I believe in gives me a sense of purpose. Our oldest son, Jericho, was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes at age 3. He's coming up on having Type 1 for 1/2 of his life. Needles, blood sugar checks, insulin, quarterly visits to a pediatric endocrinologist, and a pump are all apart of Jericho's life. That's not even mentioning the low blood sugar episodes of feelings dizzy and sick as well as checking for ketones when he is sick or has extremely high blood sugar. While we are grateful that there's so much technology that allows Jericho to live, we would love to see him cured! JDRF is the leading research organization for Type 1 Diabetes. There's so much being done in regards to finding a cure and other technology to keep the blood sugar in range without as much equipment. Knowing that insulin wasn't developed until 1923 (before that, they would give a newly diagnosed Type 1 child one year to live with a complete diet change), I have so much hope for the innovations to continue making it easier for Jericho to live a long life. If you wish to donate directly to my Team JDRF page, please let me know and I will send you the link.

We had a bake sale at Mangelsen's that went well. I'm so grateful for our generous friends who gave baked goods and supplies as well as those who helped the day of and those who came to purchase something. It was fun to have Jericho involved...he was pretty excited about raising money to find a cure. On the way to Mangelsen's, Judah was sitting in the back of the vehicle with the posters and some of the baked goods. He was messing with one of the posters so Jericho turned around and said, "stop doing that Judah, you're going to ruin it and then they won't find a cure for my diabetes." These kids always have me laughing.

I've recently contacted some restaurants that do fundraising for organizations after hearing from a fellow JDRF runner that they did a night at Chipotle. So far I'm in contact with 4 restaurants and have Chipotle officially booked for December 11th from 4-8 pm. Anyone who comes in and mentions JDRF or shows them a flier (or image of the flier) will have 50% of their sale donated to JDRF. What a great way to raise money! I'm also talking with Freddy's, Buffalo Wild Wings, and Noodles and Company for a fundraising night as well.

As far as my training goes...I've had some trouble with injuries. Initially I was so excited to be running again that I started doing too much, too soon. Going from 0 miles to 15 miles a week was too much for my body and I injured my ankle. I thought it was a stress fracture due to the swelling, redness, tenderness, and inability to put pressure on it. I wore a boot for a couple of weeks and noticed it was starting to get better. I stopped wearing the boot and started walking on the treadmill. After a couple of days walking a couple of miles on the treadmill, I started running again. Very little though. I don't want to injure myself to the point of not being able to run in January. My heel started bothering me and I thought it could be planters fasciitis. I went back to Randolph's Shoes where I bought my Asics about a month ago. Art Martinez (the best shoe salesman ever) had me stand on the machine that shows pressure points and the arch in your foot. Sure enough, my left heel was all red which didn't surprise me since that was the foot and the area that my foot hurt. It also showed a higher arch than my right foot. Art got some arch/heel support inserts and put them in my shoes for me. I'm hopeful that they are helping! My body sure took a toll when I had 4 children in 5 years. I hardly ever had an injury before kids, now I can't seem to run without something hurting. I've thrown the thought of being able to run all 26.2 miles out the window. At this point, I hope to just finish. Even if I have to walk the majority of it. I mean, it's Disney World so at least I'll have some great sights to look at!


It's been awhile since I last updated my blog and I thought I would share what has happened since the last time I wrote. I officially ...