Monday, September 4, 2017

Small Beginnings

Less than a week ago, I signed up for the 2018 Disney Marathon. It seemed like a good idea at the time. Then the training started. It's been almost 11 years since I ran the Chicago Marathon and I thought it was going to be a one and done type of thing. A bucket list challenge that was a great experience but I didn't necessarily want a life goal of completing multiple marathons.

Enter 4 children later and a marathon seemed like a great way to get back to running AND have a fun girls weekend away. After a little convincing to Myron, I was securing my spot in the marathon and booking my flight before his mind could be changed.

Then the training began. I started off on a treadmill and of the 3.5 miles I ran, I had to walk 1/2 of it. Now, I haven't been completely sedentary but I'm not in running shape. When I go to the gym, it's mostly for the child care and the fitness portion is probably 25% of it too. I usually do the elliptical and some weight training while there.

Next were the outdoor runs. I prefer running outside, it just isn't always possibly with 4 children to care for. Then there are the challenges that come with running outside. Hills. Hot weather. I'm not going to lie, I was a little discouraged during my long run of the week which was 6 miles. I had to walk about 2.5 miles in and did a combo walk/run the rest of the training "run". Here's my take away from this past week, I already have several but I'll be posting one at a time...

Don't underestimate the small beginnings. We all have to start somewhere. I was reminded of when I first began running at the age of 16. I traded participating in sports at school for a job a Wendy's and gained about 30 lbs. My sister, Rachel, saw that I wanted to be more healthy and helped me out. She decided to go running with me. On our first run, we set out to do 4 miles. One mile into it and I was ready to walk. She was slightly annoyed at first but then decided to make small goals that were easy to accomplish. After walking for a little while, we would start running again. When she saw that I was tired, she would pick out an object and make it our goal to run until we passed that particular object. This is how I began to get in running shape which ended up changing my life. I lost the 30 lbs I had gained and joined the cross country team at school. Running and working out were a way of life after that.

What are areas in your life that have you discouraged? In what ways can you start small and continue to build on to gain momentum in your life? Small goals become habits within time. Dedicate yourself to completing small goals and they will become habit. I've heard it said that it takes 21 days for something to become a habit. That's only 3 weeks! Do you want to be more healthy in the way that you eat? Start by swapping those M&M's for some fruit. Or that soda for an unsweetened iced tea or water. Do it for 3 weeks and you have a new habit. Do you want to deepen your spiritual life? Start by increasing the amount of time you spend in prayer/worship. Even if it's getting up 30 minutes early to set apart time with the Lord. Do you want to have deeper friendships? Start by texting an encouraging word to someone. Take them to coffee and hear their story. I could keep going but you get the idea. Whatever area you want victory in, take small steps and be consistent.


It's been awhile since I last updated my blog and I thought I would share what has happened since the last time I wrote. I officially ...